At Haverfords no two clients are ever the same and we believe in giving financial planning that is independent, clear, concise and sound. Most of our clients have come to us through existing satisfied client referral, seeking this approach to their financial planning needs. What does good financial planning look like?
To our many satisfied clients it could have been solving an immediate financial need or helping to forward plan for specific events such as paying for their first home, planning for children’s university fee’s, investing a lump sum or retirement planning. We also help with broader financial planning issues including pension’s advice on separation or divorce, estate planning and inheritance tax advice. What all seem to agree on is the feeling that we are helping them with goal setting on their path towards financial security and that their families are secure in the event of expected and unexpected eventualities. How do we help clients?
Our financial planning process involves a six step approach
Arranging an appointment and getting to know each other
Gathering information on your current situation and your
future goals and objectives
Creating a financial plan for you
Monitoring the plan at least annually for ongoing
suitability and adjust where necessary
As the process above demonstrates we believe in a holistic financial planning approach which involves
goal setting and then working with clients through their lifetime to achieve these goals.
As part of this goal setting process we will look at your existing financial situation and where
appropriate advise on the use of protection products, savings, investment and pension plans.
From our personal experience and those we advise, one of the most satisfying services we can provide
is putting financial plans in place which leads to families building and preserving their wealth for
themselves and their families for the next generation.
As the process above demonstrates we believe in a holistic financial planning approach which involves goal setting and then working with clients through their lifetime to achieve these goals. As part of this goal setting process we will look at your existing financial situation and where appropriate advise on the use of protection products, savings, investment and pension plans.
From our personal experience and those we advise, one of the most satisfying services we can provide is putting financial plans in place which leads to families building and preserving their wealth for themselves and their families for the next generation.